Our Mission
Franciscan Life
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The Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception of Peoria, Illinois, an evangelical religious congregation of the Roman Catholic Church, are called to make God's compassionate presence known through their vowed life.

In prayer and simplicity, they dedicate themselves to ministries of service, primarily in the Dioceses of Peoria Illinois.

The Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception determined the following core values to be an integral part of their identity:


Making God's compassionate presence known as expressed in:
  • Shared life in community
  • Dedication to service and ministry
  • Franciscan vowed life, and
  • Community Heritage

Our Vision
We, as VOWED WOMEN, strive to follow the poor Christ, knowing our own inadequacy, need for God and need for collaboration with others. In chastity, we strive to live an inclusive, welcoming love as we share all we have and are in ministry. In obedience, we strive to follow God's will as revealed through Scriptures, prayer and others.
We believe that God is the source and center of all life. Therefore, we deepen our relationship with God through personal and shared PRAYER, nourished daily by Scripture and Eucharist.
We commit ourselves to one another in COMMUNITY by strengthening our bonds through shared Gospel values, mutual acceptance and support, and accountability.
We grow in UNITY through prayer and the sharing of daily life experiences: joys, sorrows and community celebrations. Each sister trusts and supports our elected leaders, who encourage and respect the sisters in open dialogue with them for the good of the community.
Our Vision encompasses service to and collaboration with all the people of God in the CHARISM of St. Francis of Assisi and Mother Mary Pacifica Forrestal under the patronage of Mary, Mother of God.